Friday, October 3, 2014

Marty Hoban

Searching for Innovators
by Ted Shaffner

For this week’s showcase, the Blue Sky Project is pleased to highlight the work of Marty Hoban. The entire faculty read and discussed the book, Creating Innovators, by Tony Wagner, over the past couple of years, but Mr. Hoban took this to entirely different level. He made it his professional goal to examine the arguments in the book specifically and then to seek out examples of innovation right here on the Hun Campus. This is something we also seek to do over the course of the year, so we are very grateful to him for doing our job!

For his Teacher Support Team project, Mr. Hoban crafted a 20-minute documentary about innovation at Hun, which you can watch below. He highlights the work of several teachers and classrooms. Full disclosure - I’m one of them, but luckily I’m only in a small part of the video and my students receive more of the spotlight! He also interviews Julie Davis, Vivian Piel, and Kevin Chen, as well as other alumni, students, and outside experts.

The video really speaks for itself, but the Project is grateful for Mr. Hoban’s diligent work, which he says he intends to continue this year.

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